
Sunday Sep 09, 2018
Episode 31 - Friendships
Sunday Sep 09, 2018
Sunday Sep 09, 2018
Publish Date 9-10-18
This episode deals with the topic of friendships and all that goes with that. Why are friendships important, how do we help our kids develop friendships, how do we encourage healthy friendships, how can we be sure our child's friends will be good for them? These are just a few questions Chip and Brittany get into in this episode. Give us your feedback share some of your ideas with us and our listeners.
Email: Chip@ChipRichter.com Brittany@ChipRichter.com
Roots and Wings Podcast On Facebook
Roots and Wings Podcast on Instagram
Roots and Wings Podcast on Twitter

Monday Sep 03, 2018
Episode 30 - Changes
Monday Sep 03, 2018
Monday Sep 03, 2018
Publish Date 9-4-18
In this episode we are glad to welcome Brittany back to the microphone after her few weeks away working through some major career, life and family changes. In fact that and the season of change we all find ourselves in, transitioning from summer to fall, back to school, new seasons of life and so on is what inspired this conversation. How does your family handle change? How do you feel personally when it's all happening? What do you do with all those feelings you are feeling and what about your kids? How do you help them in the midst of major changes that come your way? We touch on some of those questions and more in this episode.
If you're a regular listener and find an episode helpful or inspiring please share that episode with someone you know who might also appreciate it. Use the share button in your podcast app and pass it on. We're sure you've heard it before, "please rate and review this podcast"... and yes that is a good thing to do because it helps this podcast show up in searches on iTunes easier, but we really think the very best way to grow our audience and community is by people sharing it with other people in a real and personal way. So if you would please do share this episode or the website with that person you just thought of who might get something good out of listening.
Roots and Wings Podcast on iTunes Apple Podcasts

Sunday Aug 26, 2018
Episode 29 - Back to School- A Few More Thoughts
Sunday Aug 26, 2018
Sunday Aug 26, 2018
Publish Date 8-27-18
This episode comes to you direct from the shores of Lake Erie where Chip is finishing up the summer season at Lakeside Chautauqua. He still flying solo in this one and adding a few thoughts to the episode from last week all about feeling a little anxious as we send our kids off to a new school year.
Chip says, "I've been "liking" lots of pics being posted on my social media platforms from families I know whose kids are starting their "First Day of (kindergarten, 1st Grade... fill in the blank here) and reading the accompanying comments of their parents. I can't help but pick up as I read between the lines some of the anxiety in those comments... and in truth I can sure understand that... I remember sending my kids off to kindergarten, 1st grade, first day of junior high or first day of high school (YIKES)... those were anxious times for me for sure and I can relate! In the first place you can't believe they are old enough to be doing this! In the second place you're certain they are not ready for this! And finally in the third place there's nothing you can do about it... ready or not, it's happening and there's not a thing you can do to slow it down or delay the inevitable and anxiety may be running high."
This week we are sharing a few more practical parenting tips to help support your kids during the school year whatever the season they're in (Elementary, JR High, High School even College).

Sunday Aug 19, 2018
Episode 28 - Back To School Anxiety
Sunday Aug 19, 2018
Sunday Aug 19, 2018
Publish Date 8-20-18
In this episode Chip is flying solo as Brittany is not able to join the conversation because she Jeff are up to their eyeballs in a new transitional season of starting a new job, moving and starting work on a Masters degree. Actually a lot of what Brittny is doing has to do with the phrase Back to School!
Here in the final weeks of summer we are squeezing out the last drops of summertime while looking ahead into the transitional season of Back To School. The phrase "Back to School" may bring cries of "oh no say it isn't so" from the kids and "I thought it would never get here" from the parents! If your morning the passing of summer or doing a happy dance for back to school time most parents, and their children, will at some point experience along the way a bit of anxiety that comes with a new transitional season.
We hope this episode will be encouraging for you and inspire you to get connected with other parents who might be feeling the same emotions and anxieties and to go to the One who knows us and our kids the best and who loves us all more than we can imagine!

Sunday Aug 12, 2018
Episode 27 - Imagination and Creativity
Sunday Aug 12, 2018
Sunday Aug 12, 2018
Publish Date 8-13-18
In this episode Brittany and Chip talk about and explore the importance of nurturing and providing kids the opportunity to use their imaginations and creativity. They talk about some real life experiences of how imagination and creativity came into play in their household and some of the fun results of that. We hope you'll be inspired to look for opportunities to give your children's imaginations and creativity a chance to not only grow but thrive.
Lady Bug's Living Room available on iTunes

Sunday Aug 05, 2018
Episode 26 - Let's Chat
Sunday Aug 05, 2018
Sunday Aug 05, 2018
Publish Date 8-6-18
This is kind of a different episode... Brittany and Chip recorded this one together in the back yard at a picnic table in Lakeside just getting a chance to catch up and chat. We hope you enjoy this episode and are inspired by some of what they share about what's been happening in their lives and how God is touching and speaking to their hearts. There's some fun Father/Daughter moments in this one too... we hope ya'll like it.There are lots of links mentioned in this episode so here you go:
Everybody Always - by Bob Goff
Lakeside Chautauqua in Lakeside, Ohio
Roots and Wings Podcast Website

Sunday Jul 29, 2018
Episode 25 - Self Esteem, Confidence and Body Image - part 2
Sunday Jul 29, 2018
Sunday Jul 29, 2018
Publish Date 7-30-18
This episode is a part 2 of a conversation with Chip joined his daughters Brittany and Megan as they talk about a topic that can be very sensitive for some families. Nurturing a healthy self-esteem and body image is so important for our children, especially girls although boys are needing just as much encouragement and parenting in this too. We live in a culture/society overly focused on outward appearances. Children, especially tweens and teens are literally being bombarded with messages of "what you should look like"... do you remember Junior High, remember the first day of school going to 7th grade? The pressure and anxiety kids feel is very real as parents and grandparents we really need to be aware and have a strategy to help our children grow up to have a healthy (and we should put the emphasis on "Healthy") sense of confidence, self esteem and body image.
Brittany and Megan shed some light on this topic from a girls perspective and share some personal things they experienced growing up and how they maneuvered this delicate and sometimes difficult time of life. Chip offers some thoughts about how to make a strategy and a few tips.

Sunday Jul 22, 2018
Episode 24 - Self Esteem, Confidence and Body Image - Part 1
Sunday Jul 22, 2018
Sunday Jul 22, 2018
Publish Date 7-23-18
In this episode Chip is joined by not only his daughter Brittany but also his daughter Megan as they talk about a topic that can be very sensitive for some families. Nurturing a healthy self-esteem and body image is so important for our children, especially girls although boys are needing just as much encouragement and parenting in this too. We live in a culture/society overly focused on outward appearances. Children, especially tweens and teens are literally being bombarded with messages of "what you should look like"... do you remember Junior High, remember the first day of school going to 7th grade? The pressure and anxiety kids feel is very real as parents and grandparents we really need to be aware and have a strategy to help our children grow up to have a healthy (and we should put the emphasis on "Healthy") sense of confidence, self esteem and body image.
Brittany and Megan shed some light on this topic from a girls perspective and share some personal things they experienced growing up and how they maneuvered this delicate and sometimes difficult time of life. Chip offers some thoughts about how to make a strategy and a few tips.

Sunday Jul 15, 2018
Episode 23 - Be Still, Be Mindful, Be Present
Sunday Jul 15, 2018
Sunday Jul 15, 2018
Publish Date 7-16-18
Happy summer everyone... well we are in the "Thick of Summer" right smack in the middle. How is your intentional summer going? Are you getting to all those fun summer plans you made or is your family summer just slip, slip, slipping by? If you're like us you might be a little disappointed that you have not been able to realize some of those amazing plans you had in mind for your family. Well we hope this episode will encourage you not only in your summer plans but in your whole outlook on life and plans and schedules we all make for our families. So take a few minutes with a cold drink, put your feet up and "be still, mindful and present" as you listen to this episode and be encouraged!
Link to things mentioned in this episode:
Lakeside Chautauqua
Everybody Always - Bob Goff

Sunday Jul 08, 2018
Episode 22 - Josh and Megan Osborn Interview Part 5
Sunday Jul 08, 2018
Sunday Jul 08, 2018
Publish Date 7-9-18
This episode will conclude our 5 part interview with Josh and Megan Osborn as they have been telling their family story of their twin baby girls, Finley and Riley, being born at 23 weeks 6 days. The heartbreak of losing Finley only a few hours after she was born and then Riley's fight for survival. This week they continue to share about the surgeries, procedures and amazing care Riley received in her long stay in Akron Children's Hospital NICU and the day they finally bring her home and reality of the journey ahead.
The Osborns share a story that is both heartbreaking and inspiring, one that has taken them on journey of faith, hope and love. We wanted to give them plenty of time to tell their story and so that's why it's a 5 part interview.... We so appreciate their willingness to open up and give our listeners a glimpse into such a personal and difficult time. Their hope is that some part of their journey will inspire, encourage and build up others who have faced or might be facing a truly difficult family crisis.
Riley continues to amaze and inspire us and her Doctors and Therapists. Check out photos and videos as well as follow Riley's progress on the Riley Updates Facebook page. There's also been a Go Fund Me Website set up by friends of the Osborns that will help cover costs for medical procedures and equipment not covered by their insurance. (Links Below)
Links to resources mentioned in this interview:
Riley Updates on Facebook
Osborn Fmily Go Fund Me
23 Weeks 6 Days / Radiolab
"The Girl Who Lived" - Akron Children's Hospital