
Sunday Apr 22, 2018
Episode 11 - Introducing Children to Scripture
Sunday Apr 22, 2018
Sunday Apr 22, 2018
As Christians we know how important it is to have a regular dose of scripture coming into our lives and if we're honest we also know how hit and miss that can be at times. It's equally important to make sure our kids are exposed to scripture on a regular basis. In the same way that we make sure our children are eating right getting all the vitamins and nutrients they need to grow healthy and strong... we recognize it's just the same with their spiritual health and wellness and scripture is very much a part of that.
This episode is filled with some very practical ideas families can try at home to begin introducing scripture to children and make it part of their daily lives. Check out the links below for some of the online resources we talk about in this episode.
Resources mentioned in this episode:

Sunday Apr 15, 2018
Episode 10 - "Parenting Free Range Kids"
Sunday Apr 15, 2018
Sunday Apr 15, 2018
This episode topic is lifted from the news as Chip and Britt talk about the recent legislation passed by Utah law makers legalizing so called Free-range parenting. The idea here is that parents who give their kids the freedom and independance to play outside, walk to school, ride their bike, etc. without constant parental supervision will not be subjected to investigation and possible prosicution by child-welfare authorities.
Critics of this law say letting kids strike out on their own can expose them to serious dangers, from criminals to cars. They agree with the legal action and investigation of parents like the Maryland couple who allowed their 10- and 6-year-old children to walk home alone from a park in 2015. But lawmakers and policy groups in Utah and several other states say the protective pendulum has swung too far, and it's time to tell parents who raise their children in a healthy environment can grant them more freedom.
Mentioned in this episode:

Sunday Apr 08, 2018
Episode 9 - Interview with Chip's Parents... Don & Lois Richter Part 2
Sunday Apr 08, 2018
Sunday Apr 08, 2018
This is part two of a two part interview with Chip's Parents, Brittany's Grandparents... Don & Lois Richter. This is a candid and insightful conversation about faith, family and parenting from a Mom and a Dad who have been partnering in the job of parenting and grandparenting and journeying together in love and faith for many years. We hope you find great inspiration and encouragement from this interview.

Monday Apr 02, 2018
Episode 8 - Interview with Chip's Parents... Don & Lois Richter - Part 1
Monday Apr 02, 2018
Monday Apr 02, 2018
This is part one of a two part interview with Chip's Parents, Brittany's Grandparents... Don & Lois Richter. This is a candid and insightful conversation about faith, family and parenting from a Mom and a Dad who have been partnering in the job of parenting and grandparenting and journeying together in love and faith for many years. We hope you find great inspiration and encouragement from this interview.
Hey do us a solid and please review and rate Roots and Wings Podcast on Apple Podcast and if you would be so kind as to share these with your friends and family that's huge for us... if you poke around the podcast player you're using you will find a button that will allow you to share each episode with the people you know who might also want to join the conversation.

Sunday Mar 25, 2018
Episode 7 - "Fear of Messing Up this Parenting Thing"
Sunday Mar 25, 2018
Sunday Mar 25, 2018
Chip and Brittany reply to their very first voice memo question from new Mom Chelsea... what do you do with the fear that comes with being a new parent that you're going to mess this parenting thing up? Also how do you deal with the feeling that you may not be doing enough for your kids especially when both parents are working in a two career household knowing you'll be missing some things in your children's lives?
Resource articles mentioned in this episode:
"Pregnancy Changes the Brain in Ways That May Help Mothering" - NY Times
"Becoming A Father Can Rewire A Man's Brain" - IFLScience
"How Becoming A Parent Changes Your Brain" - dokteronline
Send your voice memo recorded comments or conversation starters by emailing Brittany at brittany@chiprichter.com and Chip at chip@chiprichter.com and join the conversation!

Sunday Mar 18, 2018
Episode 6 - "Have Courage and Be Kind"
Sunday Mar 18, 2018
Sunday Mar 18, 2018
In this episode Chip and Brittany respond to a Mom's question about how to help encourage and build kindness in your kids. They explore the idea of how sowing seeds of kindness can create a ripple effect that can absolutely change your family, become a swell that can change your community and eventually become a tidal wave that can change the world!
Links to resources mentioned in this episode:
Charles Swindoll Insight for Living
Samaritan's Purse - Operation Christmas Child
Bob Goff - Love Does
Roots and Wings Podcast on Facebook
Roots and Wings Podcast on Instagram
Roots and Wings Podcast on Twitter

Monday Mar 12, 2018
Episode 5 - "My Dad's Coat"
Monday Mar 12, 2018
Monday Mar 12, 2018
In this episode Chip and Brittany are talking about the idea of not only passing our faith on to our children but also the importance of helping them make it their own. The essence of this episode is captured in a fun creative way in a song Chip wrote called "My Dad's Coat"... you can listen to the whole song at the end of the episode. It features legendary guitarist and CCM singer-songwriter Phil Keaggy. We hope you enjoy this episode and the music too... tell us what you think of the podcast so far... record and send a voice memo on your smart phone Brittany@chiprichter.com or Chip@chiprichter.com
Download the title track My Dad's Coat or the whole CD on iTunes

Sunday Mar 04, 2018
Episode 4 - Calling Out The Best In Our Kids
Sunday Mar 04, 2018
Sunday Mar 04, 2018
This episode opens up with a very short but powerful audio clip from the The Help starring Viola Davis, Bryce Dallas Howard, Octavia Spencer, Emma Stone © 2011 - Dreamworks/Touchstone Pictures. We use this clip as an example of what this show is all about... Speaking Life and Love and Wholeness over your children... calling out the best in them... the thing you may not see today but believing is in there. On the flip side checking ourselves as parents... to be less critical and slow to use harsh or hurtful words. Reacting to our children rather than responding is not the same thing... easy to say hard to do, we've all been there. We hope this episode of Roots and Wings Podcast will encourage and inspire you! Words are powerful and can bring both life and death. We should not underestimate the power of affirming, nurturing, love filled words that we can speak to our children... and we can not do it too soon or enough. Chip shares a bit about his personal revelation as a young father regarding this topic and Brittany's response in hearing it is surprising.
As always we welcome your comments and ideas for show topics record a vice memo on your smart phone and email it to Brittany@chiprichter.com or Chip@chiprichter.com or if you want to just type your comment you can do that too. Either way we would love to hear from you and add your voice to the conversation.

Sunday Feb 25, 2018
Episode 3- Less is More
Sunday Feb 25, 2018
Sunday Feb 25, 2018
As we recorded this episode the season of Lent has just bgun. Chip and Brittany share some thoughts aroud the idea of how giving something up for a season can actually be not so much of a loss but really in the end a big gain... how "Less" can be "More" and how powerful that can be in our lives personally but also how we might see that practice can work within our families and children. Chip and Brittany share some real life stories of how one family used an opportunity of sharing the abundance of what they had with a family in need to show their children waht a Compassionate and Charitable Spirit can look like in action... and the really amazing thing was the children responded to the opportunity and blew the parents away!
Here's a great resource on this topic for your family from author Jen Hatmaker her book 7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess (Disturbed by her family's comfortableness with American excess, Jen Hatmaker writes with humor and depth about their unique social and spiritual decision to live by a rule of seven, reducing material possessions/ distractions in order to connect with a greatly increased God.)
Send your comments and ideas for show topics to us by recording a vice memo on your smart phone and email it to Brittany@chiprichter.com or Chip@chiprichter.com or if you want to just type your comment you can do that too. Either way we would love to hear from you and add your voice to the conversation.

Sunday Feb 18, 2018
Episode 2 "Sibling Love"
Sunday Feb 18, 2018
Sunday Feb 18, 2018
We are talking about LOVE... Sibling Love to be exact. So I'm sure your kids all get along perfectly together all the time, no arguments, no fighting, no name calling, no tears.... wait ... what? ... you mean that's not happening in your household? I'm teasing of course... sibling rivalry is as old as time and common in all families. So what's a good way to minimize fighting and squabbling among your children and even more important how can you use those tense times as a parenting/teaching moment to encourage love and kindness and peace within your tribe? We touch on a couple ideas and talk about a couple great resources for you to check out. (See links below) Also as a bonus we've included Chip's song "Love, Love, Love, Love" a mash up of a couple familiar vacation Bible School songs from way back when. This tune was included on Chip's CD My Dad's Coat and features the voices of his family (Chip's kids were just wee little ones see if you can pick out Brittany :-O) doing the spoken word parts... there's a link below to download the tune or the whole CD.
Love Language: The 5 Love Languages for Children
by Gary D. Chapman (Author), Ross Campbell MD (Author), Ross Campbell (Author)
Love Does by Bob Goff (Published May 12th 2012 by Thomas Nelson)
Love, Love, Love, Love, by Chip Richter from the CD "My Dad's Coat"