
Sunday Jul 01, 2018
Episode 21 - Josh and Megan Osborn Interview Part 4
Sunday Jul 01, 2018
Sunday Jul 01, 2018
Publish Date 7-2-18
This is part 4 of a 5 part interview with Josh and Megan Osborn as they tell their family story of their twin baby girls, Finley and Riley, and the shock, uncertainty and eventual heartbreak of going into labor and the babies being born at 23 weeks 6 days and losing Finley only a few hours later and Riley's fight for survival. Last week we learned just 24 hours after she was born they got news that Riley was "crashing" and experiencing bleeding in her lungs as well as a grade 4 brain bleed on the left side. The Medical Team caring for Riley has had the difficult job of telling Josh and Megan all of the many bad things that will likely come from the brain bleed Riley is experiencing. Last week when we left off Josh and Megan were about to tell us how they responded to the medical staff when asked if they wanted to continue Riley's care and how they came to that decision.
Josh and Megan share a story that is both heartbreaking and inspiring, one that has taken them on journey of faith, hope and love. We wanted to give them plenty of time to tell their story and so that's why it's a 5 part interview.... We so appreciate their willingness to open up and give our listeners a glimpse into such a personal and difficult time. Their hope is that some part of their journey will inspire, encourage and build up others who have faced or might be facing a truly difficult family crisis.
Links to resources mentioned in this interview:
Riley Updates on Facebook
23 Weeks 6 Days / Radiolab
"The Girl Who Lived" - Akron Children's Hospital

Monday Jun 25, 2018
Episode 20 - Josh and Megan Osborn Interview Part 3
Monday Jun 25, 2018
Monday Jun 25, 2018
Publish Date 6-25-18
We continue with part 3 of a 5 part interview with Josh and Megan Osborn as they share their story of being pregnant with twin girls and the shock, uncertainty and eventual heartbreak of Megan going into labor and the babies being born at 23 weeks 6 days and losing Finley only a few hours later We pick up the story just as Finley's sister Riley is crashing and heading into a really desperate medical situation.
Josh and Megan share a story that is both heartbreaking and inspiring, one that has taken them on journey of faith, hope and love. We wanted to give them plenty of time to tell their story and so that's why it's a 5 part interview.... We so appreciate their willingness to open up and give our listeners a glimpse into such a personal and difficult time. Their hope is that some part of their journey will inspire, encourage and build up others who have faced or might be facing a truly difficult family crisis.
Links to resources mentioned in this interview:
Riley Updates on Facebook
23 Weeks 6 Days / Radiolab
"The Girl Who Lived" - Akron Children's Hospital

Sunday Jun 17, 2018
Episode 19 - Josh and Megan Osborn Interview Part 2
Sunday Jun 17, 2018
Sunday Jun 17, 2018
Publish Date 6-18-18
This week we continue with part 2 of a 5 part interview with Josh and Megan Osborn. They continue to share their story of discovering they would be having twins only to have the joy of that news followed by the shock and uncertainty of Megan going into labor and the babies being born at 23 weeks 6 days! Josh and Megan share a story that is both heartbreaking and inspiring, one that has taken them on a journey of faith, hope and love. We wanted to give them plenty of time to tell their story and so that's why it's a 5 part interview. We so appreciate their willingness to open up and give our listeners a glimpse into such a personal and difficult time. Their hope is that by sharing their story some part of this journey will inspire, encourage and build up others who have faced or might be facing a truly difficult family crisis.
Links to resources mentioned in this interview:
Riley Updates on Facebook
23 Weeks 6 Days / Radiolab

Sunday Jun 10, 2018
Episode 18 - Josh and Megan Osborn Interview Part 1
Sunday Jun 10, 2018
Sunday Jun 10, 2018
Publish Date 6-11-18
This week we are pleased to present part 1 of an interview with Josh and Megan Osborn. They share their story of deciding to start their family then being overjoyed to learn the day before Christmas that they were not only pregnant but would be having twins! Josh and Megan share a story that has taken them on a journey of faith, hope and love that has been both heartbreaking and inspiring. We wanted to give them plenty of time to tell their story and so this is just part 1 of a 5 part interview.... We so appreciate their willingness to open up and give our listeners a glimpse into such a personal and difficult time. Their hope is that some part of their journey will inspire, encourage and build up others who have faced or might be facing a family crisis.
Links to resources mentioned in this episode:
Riley Updates on Facebook
23 Weeks 6 Days / Radiolab

Sunday Jun 03, 2018
Episode 17 - "Picture Perfect Families"
Sunday Jun 03, 2018
Sunday Jun 03, 2018
In this episode Chip and Brittany are joined by special guest, Megan Osborn, who happens to be Brittany's sister and Chip's "First Born". Social Media and Picture Perfect Families is the topic of conversation today and they way find ourselves comparing our homes, kids, marriages and ourselves to what see on Instagram and Facebook and other social media platforms. Megan and Brittany share some of their real life experience and struggles with balancing their use of social media. They also share some wonderful positive experiences about how social media has been an inspiration and encouragement for them in their lives.
Links to persons and places mentioned in this episode you may want to check out:
Riley Updates
Bob Goff

Monday May 28, 2018
Episode 16 - "Summertime Familytime"
Monday May 28, 2018
Monday May 28, 2018
It's Memorial Day weekend... the traditional kickoff of summertime. In this episode Chip and Brittany reminisce about some fun summertime family times and talk about some ideas for families to have an "Intentional Summer". Making memories out of moments sometimes happens because we plan for it and sometimes because we don't. Just taking life as it comes can be good but making a plan is never a bad idea. You can always go off the path and make it up as you go but it's nice to know the path is there if you need it.
A bonus feature in this episode... a LIVE version of Chip Richter's "Ice Cream" song from his upcoming Live Concert DVD "Chip Richter LIVE from Hoover Auditorium". You can help support this project via Chip's Kickstarter Campaign ending Saturday, June 3rd, 2018 ... Make a Pledge Today!
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Kristen Tibor's Blog "Celebrate Every Day With Me"
Kristen is a former Wedding & Event Planner blogging about fun ways to celebrate each and every day and the special occasions of life. Here you'll find inspiration for family fun, children's activities, party planning and a faith-filled life.
Lakeside - A Wonderful Family Vacation and Retreat Spot
Since 1874, Lakeside has been Ohio’s answer to New York’s Chautauqua. Tidy 19th-century summer cottages remain the heart of this quiet beach town. Stroll the village’s Lakefront Path,overflowing beds of hollyhocks and black-eyed Susans to one side and the lapping Lake Erie surf to the other, before an evening of live music and author readings.

Sunday May 20, 2018
Episode 15 - "Can You Hear Me Now?" Part 3
Sunday May 20, 2018
Sunday May 20, 2018
This is the final episode of three we're calling "Can You Hear Me Now?" It's all about communication within the family. We're talking about communicating with our kids and with our spouse. Last week we were introduced to Bruce and Monica Stryffeler who began to share their story and real life perspective about learning to understand the different communication styles in their marriage and of their children. This week we pick up where we left off with the second part of the interview. Bruce and Monica continue to share some wonderful insights and encouragement from their family and parenting journey.

Sunday May 13, 2018
Episode 14 - Can You Hear Me Now? Part 2
Sunday May 13, 2018
Sunday May 13, 2018
This is part two of a three part episode we're calling "Can You Hear Me Now?" It's all about communication within the family. We're talking about communicating with our kids and with our spouse and how that can be a challenge if some of your family members are not all that "chatty". In last week's' episode we introduced this idea and we talked about all of us have a unique communication style and how our kids can so different as well. We talked about some practical ways to enhance the communication that goes on within the family.
In Part 2 this week you'll get to hear from a couple who will share some real life examples of some of the very things we talked about last week. We're playing the first part of a two part interview with Bruce and Monica Stryffeler who share a real life perspective about how they learned to understand the different communication styles in their marriage and then their children. They share how they learned to make room for and work within those unique family dynamics and how they found success in connecting and growing healthy lines of communication within the family. Bruce and Monica share some wonderful insights and encouragement from their partnering and parenting journey.

Sunday May 06, 2018
Episode 13 - Can You Hear Me Now? Part 1
Sunday May 06, 2018
Sunday May 06, 2018
This episode is all about communication in the family. Chip and Brittany discovered as they started talking this going to be a big topic with lots of ground to cover and lots to talk about so this is going to be the first of two, maybe even three episodes on this topic in the next few weeks.
We all know how important healthy communication in business, friendships and for sure a marriages. Well it's no less important in parenting but what happens if one of the kids, or one of the parents, is just not much a talker? Chip and Brittany are talking about what that looks like and some real life tips and practical ideas to overcome that family dynamic.

Sunday Apr 29, 2018
Episode 12 - "Winner Winner Family Dinner"
Sunday Apr 29, 2018
Sunday Apr 29, 2018
Never underestimate the importance of family dinnertime. It’s not so much about what’s on the table as it is who’s around the table. So many good things can happen when we are able to gather together for a family meal on a regular basis. Taking time to step away from busy schedules and activities that take us all in different directions to come together to regroup, reconnect and center ourselves is so important. Sadly the practice of a regular family dinnertime is disappearing in many homes.
In this episode Chip and Brittany reminisce about good times and wonderful conversations shared around the dinner table at “Richter Ranch” and talk about some fun ideas and practical tips to help make it a tradition at your house.