
Sunday Apr 07, 2019
Episode 61 - ENCORE "My Dad's Coat"
Sunday Apr 07, 2019
Sunday Apr 07, 2019
Publish Date 4-8-19
It's the beginning of touring season for Chip and we are working on producing some great interviews to air this spring and summer. So we're bringing you a Special ENCORE Episode this week an episode that was a favorite of our listeners when it first aired in March of last year. We're talking about the idea of helping kids to make the faith traditions they may be inheriting from us their very own. The truth is this faith of ours and the heritage of faith we may have received from our parents and grandparents probably looks a lot different than it did for them. It makes sense then that our children's and grandchildren's faith will also look a bit different than ours. This episode also features a song called My Dad's Coat that Chip wrote and features his friend Phil Keaggy on electric guitar and vocals.

Sunday Mar 31, 2019
Episode 60 - "Roots and Wings Workshop Update"
Sunday Mar 31, 2019
Sunday Mar 31, 2019
Publish Date 4-1-19
Fresh off the road from a Root and Wings Workshop and Family Concert Chip shares with Brittany a bit about a really special time with Parents in Columbus, Ohio. Get all the info about out how to bring the Roots and Wings Workshop bundled with a Family Concert to your community.

Sunday Mar 24, 2019
Episode 59 - "Making The Ordinary Extraordinary"
Sunday Mar 24, 2019
Sunday Mar 24, 2019
Publish Date 3-25-19
In this episode we have the special pleasure of interviewing another Father/Daughter Team... Greg Aker and his daughter Leslie Garrity. We got wind of a very special Father/Daughter relationship that Greg and Leslie share and we wanted to talk to them about it so we invited them into the studio and this is the result. Pull up a chair and join in this very fun and really good conversation.
Check out Leslie Garrity's very popular Fashion Focused Instagram and her WebPosts

Sunday Mar 17, 2019
Episode 58 - "Perfect Parents and Perfect Kids"
Sunday Mar 17, 2019
Sunday Mar 17, 2019
Publish Date 3-18-19
There's no such thing as "Perfect Parenting" or "Perfect Children" it's just not a reality. So why then do we spend so much of our lives either striving for perfection or demanding perfection in others when the truth is we are all imperfect people? So many of us walk around with deep wounds and so much baggage feeling like we are failing at life because we are not measuring up to this ideal Mom, Dad, Partner, Son, Daughter, or Friend we might be measuring ourselves with. We need to somehow get our minds around the fact that this idea of perfection is not reality. There are no perfect people, no perfect parents, no perfect kids, and no perfect families. So maybe that's the bad news, but here's the good news you are enough. Did you hear that bit of "gospel"? God knows us and sees us just the way we are with all of our imperfections and flaws and still loves us with complete and everlasting love. An unconditional, transforming love that will absolutely bring wholeness and healing to our lives and to our parenting and marriage relationships.
Details for Chip's Tour Dates Here

Sunday Mar 10, 2019
Sunday Mar 10, 2019
Publish Date 3-11-19
Special guest Author-Blogger-Speaker-Event Planner-Mom Kristen Tiber is on the podcast this week. Kristen and her husband, Dan, met on a blind date fifteen years ago. Two years later, they married and now have two elementary-aged children. Kristen shares her story of how she thought her path was clearly defined only to see God direct her in a completely different and very surprising new direction. Kristen also shares about her books Teach Me To Serve: 99 Ways Preschoolers Can Learn to Serve and Bless Others and recently released At the Well: Discovering God’s Plan for Finding True Love
Check out Kristen's Blog: Celebrate Every Day With Me
Visit Kristen's Website: www.kristentiber.com
Kristen's Books - Teach Me To Serve and At The Well

Sunday Mar 03, 2019
Episode 56 - "Back From Vacation Just Checking In"
Sunday Mar 03, 2019
Sunday Mar 03, 2019
Publish Date 3-4-19
Britt is back from Sarasota, Florida and fresh off of Siesta Key Beach feeling renewed, refreshed and full of some thoughtful and encouraging things to share... also just a little tan too :-)

Sunday Feb 24, 2019
Episode 55 - "Some Day You're Gonna Miss This"
Sunday Feb 24, 2019
Sunday Feb 24, 2019
Publish Date 2-25-19
Chip is flying solo in this shortened episode as Brittany is away on Spring Break! In this episode Chip shares a story and some wisdom he received as a young father from a man who loved Jesus, loved his family and loved people. We hope you find these thoughts encouraging and helpful.
Join the Roots and Wings Podcast community on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

Sunday Feb 17, 2019
Episode 54 - "You're A Better Parent Than You Think You Are"
Sunday Feb 17, 2019
Sunday Feb 17, 2019
Publish Date 2-18-19
We hope this episode will be an encouraging one for you. As always we are cheering you on in your parenting adventure with this thought.... "You are a better parent than you think you are" So how can we say that? Well... listen in and find out and be encouraged.
Join the community and share your story, thoughts and ideas with us by sending us an email or join Roots and Wings Podcast on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

Monday Feb 11, 2019

Sunday Feb 03, 2019
Episode 52 - "8 Ways To Exasperate Your Kids"
Sunday Feb 03, 2019
Sunday Feb 03, 2019
Publish Date 2-4-19
I was going through some old file folders and found some notes I jotted down from a radio show discussion panel on parenting. I honestly don't remember the name of the radio show or source but I thought they were important enough to write down at the time and rediscovering them today I think they might be worth sharing with other parents out there.
Ephesians 6:4 encourages us with this thought: "Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord." Another translation says, "do not provoke your children to anger". Seems like a no brainer doesn't it ? And yet I know in my adventures in parenting I've been guilty of doing just that. I think that's why I must have taken the time to take these notes when I heard that radio interview.
Here's a link to read the blog post and review the "8 Ways to Exasperate Your Kids" and I hope you'll be encouraged by these thoughts in your parenting adventures.