
Monday Jan 20, 2020
Episode 71 - "We Have To Try" with Josh & Megan Osborn
Monday Jan 20, 2020
Monday Jan 20, 2020
Publish Date 1-20-20
This week we are transporting our listeners to The Upper Room Fellowship in Columbiana, Ohio on a recent Sunday morning to hear some good words from Josh and Megan Osborn. If you haven't heard their story check out the interview we did with them last year. It's a multi part interview that begins at Episode 18. Their story is one of heartbreak, hope, healing and overcoming. This is really a continuation of the story of how how God continues to work in and through this little family. Also there's a companion video to go with this episode. This is the video Josh describes at the end. Check it out here and please feel free to share it with your friends... it's very inspiring. Follow Riley's journey on Riley Updates on Facebook.

Monday Jan 13, 2020
Episode 70 - "New Year Same You"
Monday Jan 13, 2020
Monday Jan 13, 2020
Publish Date 1-13-20
How are those Resolutions going? Do you feel sometimes a bit overwhelmed by all the New Year New Leaf, New Year New You chatter that is just about everywhere this time of year? Chip and Britt have a pretty lively conversation around this topic... Chip is kind weary of it all... Britt is excited and inspired by those kind of things this time year... listen in and see where the conversation takes them. We hope you'll be encouraged and inspired by this episode regardless of which side of the self-improvement conversation you come down on.

Sunday Jan 05, 2020
Season 2 Welcome Back Video Episode (Audio Only)
Sunday Jan 05, 2020
Sunday Jan 05, 2020
Publish Date 1-6-20
We are back everyone and happy to be kicking off season 2 of the podcast, We really are just wanting to greet you all and re-connect in this episode but also we thought it would be fun to shoot some video and post as well. So to kick off this new season we are welcoming you in to check out our creative spaces and how we do what we when we record. We may be posting more video with future episode. You'll be able to watch any video episodes we publish here on our website and on Chip's You Tube Channel.

Sunday May 26, 2019
Episode 68 - Finale Episode before Summer Break
Sunday May 26, 2019
Sunday May 26, 2019
Publish Date 5-27-19
After 68 consecutive weekly published episode, we've decided to take a summer hiatus to refresh, renew and regroup. In this episode Chip and Brittany offer you, the listener their wish for you for this summer. Have a great summer and please if you get the chance to leave a 5 Start Rating and Review of the Roots and Wings Podcast. That is so very helpful to make the podcast more discoverable and accessible to more people. Also, don't forget to visit our Facebook page and join the Better Together Group. Have a great summer! We will be back with new episodes this Fall.

Sunday May 19, 2019
Episode 67 - "The Dad Episodes" - Part Three
Sunday May 19, 2019
Sunday May 19, 2019
Publish Date 5-20-19
This is Part Three of our "Dad Episodes Series"... We've been wanting to record some episodes that would speak to and encourage our Dad Listeners. So we thought what better way to connect with all the Dads in the audience than to have a bunch of Dads on the Podcast! So we recorded a conversation with four Dads who also happen to be really good friends. This part of the conversation the guys are talking about discovering their wives "love language" and how they use that knowledge in their marriages to love their Wives well. We hope you enjoy the conversation and are encouraged too.
The 5 Love Languages - Gary Chapman

Sunday May 12, 2019
Episode 66 - "3 Most Important Things A Child Needs From A Parent"
Sunday May 12, 2019
Sunday May 12, 2019
Publish Date 5-13-19
3 Most Important Things ... a child needs from a parent... Time, Touch, and Attention. Of course, there may be more than 3 for sure but these have to be in the top 10 at least. Listen to Chip and Britt's conversation and see if this episode stirs something up in you. Also, don't forget to join the new "Better Together" Facebook Group and help us grow the community of friends and families around the podcast. And please leave a review and rate us on iTunes Podcast.

Sunday May 05, 2019
Episode 65 - "Podcast News - Changes Coming"
Sunday May 05, 2019
Sunday May 05, 2019
Publish Date 5-6-19
We are sharing some Podcast News with you our listeners this week. The Roots and Wings Podcast will be taking a hiatus for the summer months of June, July, and August. The last episode for the spring will be May 27th then we will be taking the summer to consider what's been working and what needs some tweaking for future episodes. We plan to be back with all new episodes in the Fall. Change is never an easy thing for anybody but the truth is growth and development can only come through change and that's true with this podcast as well. We want to produce the very best content we can and make the Roots and Wings Podcast vibrant resource for families. We are also excited to share a brand new resource with you... the Roots and Wings Podcast "Better Together" Facebook Group. This is a private group we've set up for R&W Pod Listeners where folks can share ideas, frustrations, concerns, victories, and encouragement. We really do believe this idea that nobody is meant to do life alone and that we are all truly better together when we are for each other and cheering one another on. We hope this group can be a place to grow community and connectedness around this conversation about faith, family, children, marriage, work, play, and just life.

Sunday Apr 28, 2019
Episode 64 - The Dad Episodes - Part Two
Sunday Apr 28, 2019
Sunday Apr 28, 2019
Publish Date 4-29-19
This is Part Two of our "Dad Episodes Series"... We've been wanting to record some episodes that would speak to and encourage our Dad Listeners. So we thought what better way to connect with all the Dads in the audience than to have a bunch of Dads on the Podcast! So we recorded a conversation with four Dads who also happen to be really good friends. This part of the conversation touches on how kids changed their marriage, date night, finding a babysitter and more! We hope you enjoy the conversation and are encouraged too.
The 5 Love Languages - Gary Chapman

Sunday Apr 21, 2019
Episode 63 - "I Know What You're Gonna Say"
Sunday Apr 21, 2019
Sunday Apr 21, 2019
Publish Date 4-22-19
Are you saying things to your kids over and over again till they know what you're going to say before you even say it? Hopefully, what they're hearing from you over and over again are words of love and encouragement rather than constantly being corrected or reprimanded. Why is it so easy for us to be quick to criticize or correct our kids? It seems like we need to be more intentional about speaking words of affirmation and encouragement. For some reason, this does not come as natural to us. Wouldn't it be great if we told our kids we loved them so many times and in so many ways that they actually become second nature to us and our kids would just expect it?
"Love Lives Here" - Maria Goff

Sunday Apr 14, 2019
Episode 62 - "The Dad Episodes" -Part One
Sunday Apr 14, 2019
Sunday Apr 14, 2019
Publish Date 4-15-19
We've been wanting to record some episodes that would speak to and encourage our Dad Listeners. So we thought what better way to connect with all the Dads in the audience than to have a bunch of Dads on the Podcast! So we are kicking off Part One of "The Dad Episodes" with Chip and special guest co-host Josh who will fill you in on what the Dad Episodes are all about. Oh and we think our female listeners will appreciate these episodes as well :-)